
OZIWAY.TV is launched (silently) on 4/3/21 (update 97) Oziway. TV se zažene (tiho) na 4/3/21 (posodobitev 97)

7. 03. 2021 · Prikaz izvirnega besedila samodejno prevedena

OZIWAY.TV is officially launched on 4/3/21

Its a news site that provides anonymity, but also its an incredible SEO too, because the news pages that reference your products get translated into 40 different languages.

Let advertise your products (whether they are on the Oziway platform or not)

- OP-2037, After editing a product, update the automatic translation into 40 languages
- OP-2309, Sometimes, news items viewed by the user, show an error
- OP-2358, Error when editing products in the inline ajax editor
- OP-2184, Ensure that in Australia only AUD and USD are available
- OP-2218, Delete duplicates of pictures in the database
- OP-2246, Delete references in a CMS document to non existing template
- OP-2278, Fix to our Cache crawler
- OP-2293, -
- OP-2304, -
- OP-2307, Fix unavailability from time to time
- OP-2315, If there is any error in the system, inform the IT department on the Slack communicator
- OP-2320, Add dedicated script for importing News items
- OP-2321, Database engine overloaded on the machines serving internet bot traffic
- OP-2328, -
- OP-2329, Setup
- OP-2330, Turn off compression of images
- OP-2331, Date Added is incorrectly showing the date of product or news item creation.
- OP-2332, Corrected some translation texts
- OP-2337, -
- OP-2339, Script that corrects non-latin URL addresses must be changed
- OP-2341, Added date of Creation on the news item page.
- OP-2344, Changed some system texts on the site
- OP-2351, Verify the script that changes non-latin URLs to Latin or English links
- OP-2357, News items need to have some processing done after being added to the database
- OP-2360, Deleted User details from news items. All news items are anonymous, unless the Author wishes to show their details in the article itself
- OP-2370, Date Added is incorrectly showing the date of product or news item creation.
- OP-2371, News items are now viewed using a new template
- OP-2372, Stopped using CDN for JS and CSS.
- OP-2373, Deleted Sellers items section on, as well as Popular items.
- OP-2374, Sellers offers (section on the bottom of the Product card) sometimes shows offers of different sellers
- OP-2375, Some news items are not added after sending to [email protected]
- OP-2379, Some products aren't visible in the system backend dashboard
- OP-2209, Added Philipines website

Sprint 97 (02/03-07/03)

Oziway. Tv se uradno začne 4.3.21.

Njegova stran za novice, ki zagotavlja anonimnost, pa tudi neverjetno SEO preveč, saj so strani novic, ki se sklicujejo na vaše izdelke, prevedene v 40 različnih jezikov.

Naj vaše izdelke (ne glede na to, ali so na oziway platformi ali ne)

- OP-2037, Po urejanju izdelka posodobite samodejni prevod v 40 jezikov
- OP-2309, Včasih so elementi novic, ki si jih ogleda uporabnik, prikazana napaka
- OP-2358, Napaka pri urejanju izdelkov v urejevalniku inline ajax
- OP-2184, zagotovite, da sta v Avstraliji na voljo samo AUD in USD
- OP-2218, Brisanje dvojnikov slik v zbirki podatkov
- OP-2246, Izbriši sklice v dokumentu CMS v obstoječo predlogo
- OP-2278, Pritrj na našo cache plazilko
- OP-2293, -
- OP-2304, -
- OP-2307, Občasno popravite nedosegljivost
- OP-2315, Če je prišlo do napake v sistemu, obvestite IT oddelek na Slack communicator
- OP-2320, Dodajanje namenskega skripta za uvoz elementov novic
- OP-2321, Motor baze podatkov preobremenjen na strojih, ki služijo internetni bot promet
- OP-2328, -
- OP-2329, namestitev
- OP-2330, Izklopite stiskanje slik
- OP-2331, Datum dodajanja nepravilno prikazuje datum izdelave izdelka ali novic.
- OP-2332, Popravil nekaj besedil prevoda
- OP-2337, -
- OP-2339, Skript, ki popravlja naslove ne latinskega URL-ja, je treba spremeniti
- OP-2341, Dodan datum ustvarjanja na strani novic.
- OP-2344, Spremenil nekaj sistemskih besedil na mestu
- OP-2351, Preverite skript, ki spreminja ne latinske URL-je v latinske ali angleške povezave
- OP-2357, Novice morajo imeti nekaj obdelave, potem ko je dodana v zbirko podatkov
- OP-2360, Izbrisani podatki uporabnika iz novic. Vsi elementi novic so anonimni, razen če avtor želi pokazati svoje podrobnosti v samem članku
- OP-2370, Datum dodajanja nepravilno prikazuje datum izdelave izdelka ali novic.
- OP-2371, Elementi novic so zdaj ogledani z novo predlogo
- OP-2372, prenehal uporabljati CDN za JS in CSS.
- OP-2373, Izbrisani prodajalci postavke oddelek na, kot tudi Priljubljeni predmeti.
- OP-2374, Prodajalci ponuja (oddelek na dnu kartice izdelka) včasih prikazuje ponudbe različnih prodajalcev
- OP-2375, Nekateri elementi novic se ne dodajo po pošiljanju na [email protected]
- OP-2379, Nekateri izdelki niso vidni v nadzorni plošči sistema
- OP-2209, Dodana philipines spletna stran

Sprint 97 (02/03-07/03)